About Me

My name is Phillip Cahall. I am a recent graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Here is just a preview of work from college and some freelance work that I have gotten to design over the years. I am looking for a creative environment where I can use my skill in Graphic Design and Photography to communicate to the world.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here is my start to the world of Brand Identity. For the project I had to create three different radio stations and from there create a logo for each one. The first logo I created was for a comedy radio station (WFNY) where people can listen if they are looking for a couple laughs. I used a font that was a little more fun and comedy like. The next logo I made (WSLC) was for a classical radio station where classical music is played all day. The last logo I made (WBLU) was for a Blues/Jazz radio station where people could send in different audio files of there favorite blues and jazz music.

Here is a group of images of a couple logos I created for a Gaming Clan that I know. The logo could be used in many different venues but so far they have been used for the group's site and we have also made these images imposed on mousepads for their gaming needs.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Here is an illustrator project that I have been working on in my third year. All aspects of this design have been created by me. I took a picture of a gt mustang and from there recreated the car in illustrator. I wanted something more than just a car floating in space and I wanted something that wouldn't distract from the car itself. I added a slight gradient to the background and added a far off city scape.